21780 N. Coast Hwy 1
Timber Cove, California
Architect: Michael Singer
Service: Structure’s Design & Construction Management
“…providing a temporary repair and more long-term shoring solution to the three-story wood framed wing…”
Photo Credits: S. Jhutti (1-4)
Upscale hotel wing meets pest and weather damage.
Pest damage and weather deterioration lead this upscale hotel wing to be red-tag and banned from use until repairs were made. We were procured to make this wing operational by providing a repair and more long-term shoring solution to the three-story wood framed wing.
The repair was using pressure treated Douglas fir beams and posts to replace pest damage timber poles. The lateral stability was achieved by using tension-only cables. The result was an aesthetically new look with the longevity of pressure treated timbers and hot-dipped-galvanized cables and steel connections.
Other features include providing a steel moment frame solution to the problems at this Inn.
Value Added to the Client
As part of the design, we engineered the solution such that all connections could be made with minimal shop welding, could be fabricated easily and could be assembled with a small labor crew. The final project, although a hybrid, was consistent with the existing architectural scheme of the building and was completed at a reasonable cost to the owner by his own maintenance staff. As a result the red-tagged was removed and the wing became operational in a short period of time.
Contact us to see how we can help you!